I Speak in Tongues

One sunny Sunday afternoon in Sydney on 15 August, 1993 my life took an unusual turn. I spoke in a language I’d never learnt. I said  “God give me this Holy Spirit thing that I have heard about”, I said “Hallelujah” then spoke in something quite miraculous – I spoke in tongues, while still driving my car. Just like what happened in Acts 19:6

When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

Earlier that day I went to a church meeting with my brother and decided to get baptised by full immersion, even though I was christened as a baby.

Rewind the clock to when I was a child attending a Catholic school: we had a service called a confirmation where the Bishop taps you on the shoulders and said I had the Holy Spirit, but nothing changed. I had no proof that I had it. Fast forward back to my car experience of speaking in tongues: from that moment, I knew what had happened to me with 100% confidence.

What changed?

  • Peace and happiness deep inside of me
  • I had a new inner confidence
  • I knew God was real
  • I no longer had a desire to smoke or drink alcohol
  • I had love and forgiveness towards my father for all the anger I had against him

I love the scripture Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

If I can align my thinking to be the best possible version of myself, using God as my example, then I can show others God’s love and share my experience with others, so they can know God.

A reflection by Susan following the talk last Sunday by Glen. You can view the meeting on Facebook.