2025 - what's your plan? Pastor Nick's message was all about the powerful truth that God has called each of us for his purpose, no matter how small or insignificant we might feel in the grand scheme of things.
Event RCC London on tour: Norwich Norwich and London assemblies lifted the roof with the combined chorus singing!
Our Meetings Sundays at 10:30 am We have meetings at Living Space, 1 Coral Street, Waterloo, London, SE1 7BE, not far from Waterloo station. If you aren't able to meet with
Coming Up Sunday 9 March, 10:30amSunday 16 March, 10:30amSunday 23 March, 10:30amLiving Space, Waterloo, SE1 7BE or join us on zoom
Who We Are Revival Centres Church London is a church group who follow the teachings of the Bible. We each have an individual experience that gives us proof of God's existence: receiving the
Event Italy Camp 2024 In July, Saints from across the world came together in this picturesque part of the world to praise the Lord's name - sharing talks, testimonies and songs.
Poem I am I am Spirit filled and worthy: Amy shared a poem with Revival London - we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Reflection Guest speaker: Pastor Sylvio Pastor Sylvio visited the London assembly, sharing what it means to have a relationship with God.
Event Italy visit The London assembly, goes on tour once again - visiting the assembly in South Tyrol, Italy.
Event Poland Summer Camp 2022 Summer camp, held in Ustka, Poland, was a chance for assemblies from across Europe and the UK to come together and rejoice in what God has given us.
Event Florence, autumn 2021 After a two year abscence, we returned to Italy this September and visited the Revival Centres church group who meet in a small city called San Giovanni Valdarno, about 30 minutes drive from Florence towards Siena – in the heart of Tuscany.
Reflection Giving God has given us everything in our lives and He asks us to give our time and dedication to Him in return.
Reflection Is there a God? God wants a relationship with us - one where we can talk to Him like a friend and find comfort from prayer.
Reflection God's promises are alive It's easy to consider the Bible as a book of stories - amazing tales about how God worked in peoples lives. But in fact, it's much more than that.
Reflection What do you expect? On Sunday, Rocky reminded us that we have to trust in God's plan, even when things aren't going as we might want them to.
Reflection What water are you drinking? What if there was another beverage you could drink that would mean you would be satisfied forever?
Reflection Be confident God is with you We can be like Elisha - we just need to keep putting things to the Lord and asking Him to take control.
Personal Story Hannah's Personal Story I know that throughout everything I face in life - the good and the challenges - He is there for me, always.
Personal Story Rocky's Personal Story I feel that the more I seek God the more I understand the meaning of life and its purpose
Reflection Contentment in all things Often, we are offered support, but refuse it. Sometimes, we need help but don’t ask for it. Most of the time, we will put up with an issue or
Reflection Living a life of hope You might be waiting for God to act, but He's already promised He's with you. It's up to you to take that step of faith.
Personal Story Camden's Personal Story I grew up in a family where going to church on Sundays and Wednesdays was pretty normal. From a young age, I was aware of something called the Holy Spirit.
Reflection Good News What does the Good News mean to me? As the example of Acts 2:1-4 this same experience happened to me.
Reflection What keeps you going? In our lives, there are so many “things” that can keep us busy. But do those things last?