Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming - Matthew 25:13
They are the words you'll hear as a ball flies through the air uncontrolled towards your head, when you're about to step into a puddle, or a porcelain plate teeters on the edge of the table.
But what does it mean for us as Spirit filled Christians?
"Watch out" was the theme of the Revival Centres Church European Camp 2024, inspired by the verse in Matthew.
In July, Saints from across the world came together in the picturesque Valles, Italy, to praise the Lord's name - sharing talks, testimonies and songs.
One of the biggest highlights was seeing Gessica, from Florence in Italy, receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
She was baptised in the mountain stream at camp, and it was amazing to see her joy in the Lord.
We also heard speakers from across Europe every morning and night at the meetings, who provided encouragement around the camp's theme from Matthew 25.
Pastor Simon from Melbourne spoke about the Wise and Foolish Virgins and how important it is for us to be always conscious of our own walk with the Lord - with the Bible parable warning us against being complacent but instead urging us to actively keep watch.
Another highlight was the one minute testimonies, with Saints from Poland, Italy, Australia and the UK sharing how God has changed their lives.
We left camp filled with delicious food and some sun-kissed faces - but more importantly, built up in the things of the Lord and fired up to keep watching for His return.
We can't wait until next year.