HAVE you ever seen two oxen walking side by side, held together by a yoke?

Probably not, since nowadays we mostly live in cities and farming has largely moved into using machinery to do the heavy lifting.

Matt spoke about God's yoke

BUT if you could see them, it’s an impressive sight.

A united front, working together to plough the land, making it harvest ready.

This is exactly what Matt spoke about as Revival Centres Church London had a day trip away to visit the Norwich assembly recently.

Piling into cars, we arrived at the community centre at 11am, ready for the Sunday meeting.

There, we met Pastor Bryan and his wife Tracey, along with the Norwich crew including Malcolm, Bob and Priscilla.

It was wonderful to have a combined meeting and we really lifted the roof singing choruses!

The London assembly shared a few items, singing praises to glorify God - how lucky are we to have something to sing about.

London RCC performed an item

During the meeting, Scott who has been visiting London from Australia, gave his testimony. He spoke of the comfort and guidance God has given to his life, erasing the anger and frustration he once held in his heart.

Another highlight of the day was Matt’s talk.

He shared scriptures from the Bible about the yoke.

The yoke is a piece of wood that would be used to keep two oxens walking side-by-side.

And in the Bible, God uses the metaphor of a yoke to talk about our walk with Him.

As it says in Matthew ch11 v30

My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

When we receive the Holy Spirit, God gives us a task - to spread His word and to live in his way.

While the yoke is not heavy or difficult to handle, it is there to guide us and to keep us close to God.

It was a great talk and everyone came away from the meeting uplifted.

Everyone enjoyed the talk, based on Matthew chapter 11

To make the most of our time together, we headed to lunch and continued to share our testimonies and enjoy the fellowship.

A great day had by all - and we are already organising the next visit.

A big thank you to Norwich Assembly for hosting us, we’ll see you soon!